Our Unique Philosophy…

We believe the key to a successful transition from hospital to home following a catastrophic event is dependent on an individual’s ability to regain control of their own life. Our ultimate goal is to rehabilitate and assist in moving our clients back home or to another long-term living enviroment within the community.

“ The New Start training and support has resulted in an amazing new life with opportunities that I never would have dreamed were possible.  Adam Hancock

New Start CLHFs is unmatched in its success and quality of service. The New Start model is based on the belief that all severely disabled individuals have the right to live outside of an institution. And if given the opportunity to learn how to achieve that goal successfully, it is possible for them to enjoy a full, productive, and satisfying quality of life.

Our Congregate Living Health Facilities (CLHFs) are homes located in residential communities, remodeled to accommodate no more than 6 clients at a time. Our homes allow our clients to live in the least restrictive manner possible, while receiving the highest quality training and care. This includes a complete gamut of integrated therapy services.

Our ultimate goal is to reintegrate our clients back into the community through our non-institutional program.

We teach our clients to be confident in conducting their own lives.

Our three decades of experience have proven that people with severe physical disabilities who are cognitively intact are perfectly capable of being in charge of their own lives and can live independently. We know that with the proper motivation and a defined set of goals, people with disabilities can and will accomplish great things.

With the New Start Independence Training Program to teach and guide them, disabled clients will learn new techniques and strategies to manage all aspects of their own lives. This includes directing others to provide physical care; managing their financial accounts; shopping for groceries, clothes, and other items; attending functions in the community such as school or social events; and much more.

Independence helps foster a happy return to family life.

When our clients move home they are capable of taking a shared responsibility in the family unit. We believe this is an essential ingredient for families to live and thrive successfully together following a catastrophic event.

If you're ready to reclaim your life, New Start CLHFs will be by your side from hospital to home.