Our Mission

New Start CLHFs is committed to providing subacute and rehabilitative care to patients with medically complex illnesses and injuries, while during the recovery phase, training and assisting each patient with a plan to return home or alternate long-term living plan that restores the patient’s quality of life.

Our Philosophy

We believe the key to a successful transition from acute institutional care back to a happy life at home after a catastrophic event is dependent on an individual’s ability to regain control of their own life. At New Start, we work hard to integrate the family and/or intimate friends into a patient’s program. We teach our clients and their significant others what to expect and how to avoid becoming overburdened with daily care needs once living independently.

Our Vision

Our vision at New Start is to provide a program that enables all physically disabled and spinal-cord injured individuals to achieve an independent lifestyle in the most comfortable living environment possible.

Mary Williams, Founder

The Beginning

New Start Homes, Inc. was founded in 1982 by Mary Williams, RN, to meet the needs of a population of physically disabled individuals who might otherwise have lived their lives in institutions with little hope for a productive life. While major advances in medical technology were increasing survival rates among those with catastrophic injuries, very little was being done to provide those individuals with suitable homes and a chance to succeed in the community.

Sian Welch, Director of Operations


Today, New Start CLHFs is the leader in providing the necessary bridge from an institutional care setting to living at home independently. Our New Start Teams work with patients and their families to provide a comprehensive rehabilitation and training for the patient to recover and acquire the skills and knowledge to live productive lives living at home.

Teaching, empowering, and opening new doors is our mission.

We believe the single most important resource is the human spirit. It’s our vision that every disabled individual have the opportunity to take control of their own life, to live in the least restrictive environment possible, and enjoy a happy, high-quality life.

Our Guiding Principal

The New Start approach to care planning follows the guidelines for rehabilitation set forth by the World Health Organization (WHO). It’s based to a great extent on the consequences of the injury, not just the medical diagnosis. This premise includes the whole person and their physical, emotional, and social needs. Every individual responds differently, and care is planned based on those unique responses, as opposed to a predetermined “template” approach. This approach is what allows New Start to provide cost-effective care accompanied by positive clinical outcomes.

The New Start Model and Services

New Start CLHFs provides a continuum of rehabilitative care from hospital to home, removing the barriers that prevent reintegration into the community. Unlike institutional programs (acute and sub-acute rehab programs), we aggressively pursue self-managed home living. To achieve this end, New Start has put in place a healthcare continuum plan that supports moving our clients to the most independent environment where they can live long term.



Mary Williams


Sian Welch